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EX Gamification

Choose Your Employee Gamification Badges

Celebrate success, boost motivation, and infuse a playful spirit of competition into your daily operations. From the wordiest feedback received to consecutive positive reviews, your team can earn a range of badges based on their customer service performance. Turn work into a game and watch productivity soar!


Browse Through Our Fun Virtual Badges

Choose from our extensive badge library or request custom badges that perfectly reflect your team's personality or internal humour.

Daily double​

Employee receives 2 positive feedbacks in one day (between 00:00 to 23:59:59)​

• lists all profiles who meet the conditions​
• based on feedback Sentiment


Compare the percentage difference of users’ positive verbatims between last 2 completed months​

• biggest change wins​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)
• an award subtitle details the percentage change percentage​
• based on feedback Sentiment


Employee receives at least 1 positive feedback 3 consequent days in a row​

• lists all profiles who meet the conditions​
• hattrick needs to occur within a calendar month (cannot start or end in other month)​
• based on feedback Sentiment


Compare all feedbacks and number of associated internal discussion​

• badge based on most messages in one feedback​
• messages don’t need to involve staff as all feedback messages are counted​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the number of feedback messages
• based on internal discussion

Hyper typer

Find the longest feedbacks from Sentiment verbatim​

• only from positive feedback​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• special use case - badges will not be received if all feedbacks are without verbatim content​
• an award subtitle details the feedback length​
• based on verbatim content of Sentiment feedback

Night owl

Check the latest feedbacks for a selected time period​

• latest feedback time is set closest to 03:59:59​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the feedback time​
• based on feedback interaction

Big impact

Compares users’ verbatims with their first name.​

• count how many time a user’s name is mentioned in verbatim feedback​
• only exact matches are counted​
• multiple mentions in a single feedback thread counts as 1​
• only referenced from positive feedback​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)
• an award subtitle details the number of mentions​
• based on verbatim content of Sentiment feedback


Early bird

Check the earliest feedbacks for a selected time period​

• latest feedback time is set closest to 04:00:00​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the time of feedback​
• based on feedback interaction


The shortest time between customer and staff correspondence​

• shortest times are awarded​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the time period between contacts​
• based on feedback receipt and reply


Checks the number of heart emojis in verbatim feedbacks​

• counting all heart emojis and “<3“ symbols used from each feedback​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the number of hearts​
• based on Sentiment verbatim - positive and negative


Checks the number of feedbacks received during Saturday and Sunday for a selected time period​

• week - only one weekend / month - all weekends​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the number of weekend feedbacks​
• based on feedback interaction and reply


If a staff member receives 3 consecutive negative feedbacks​

• listing all profiles who meet the conditions​
• no award subtitle​
• based on feedback Sentiment

Smiley face​

Check the number of smiley faces in feedback verbatims​

• type of smiley formats - “:)“ “:-)“ “: )“ and basic emoji 🙂​
• Counts the number of all smilies used in each feedback​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)​
• an award subtitle details the number of smilies​
• based on Sentiment verbatim - positive and negative

Mood swing​

If a staff member receives a string of alternating sentiments​

• positive to negative 2 times consecutively​
• or negative to positive 2 times consecutively​
• listing all profiles who meet the conditions​
• no award subtitle​
• based on feedback Sentiment

Emoji star

Checks the number of any emoji code in verbatim feedbacks​

• counts the number of all emojis used in each feedback​
• a maximum of 4 badges are awarded per cycle (eg. month)
• an award subtitle details the number of emojis
• based on Sentiment verbatim - positive and negative

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