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Feedback Management
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Customer Closed Loop Feedback Management

New era of CX feedback management – streamline communication with customers and colleagues to ensure brand loyalty and advocacy

Customer closed loop feedback management

Looking for a quick and easy way to respond to customer feedback? Our user-friendly interface ensures customer satisfaction surveys are handled swiftly, allowing you to address feedback promptly and keep every customer happy.

In addition, the Internal Discussion feature enables quick exchanges between managers and employees to efficiently identify and resolve critical process gaps. 

Discover the power of Staffino’s closed-loop feedback management for seamless communication and problem-solving.


Fast Responses Matter – That's Where Closed Loop Feedback Comes in

With our responsive online platform, you can swiftly address CX feedback anywhere, anytime. Easily handle customer issues, track incidents, and identify involved employees. Responding promptly prevents negative social media and word-of-mouth impact.

Using Staffino has helped us become transparent both internally and externally. It allows us to find out what we are doing well and what we need to change. A significant change was that we were no longer anonymous over the phone and e-mails, and the customer was allowed to evaluate precisely the worker with whom their request was handled.

Dan Toma

Dan Toma

Operations Specialist Europe, VWFS

Efficient Feedback Management Across All Levels and Locations

With our flexible structure, feedback can be easily clustered by access levels, region, or customised unit structure. This ensures that the kind words and improvement suggestions from your customers are quickly visible, from headquarters to the smallest branches in your country.

Exmployee Performance
Employee Engagement
Customer closed loop feedback management

Adjust Feedback Visibility for a Daily Dose of Good Vibes

All feedback collected can be kept private and only visible to your managers. If desired, you can also choose to share positive feedback with your employees through various channels such as the Staffino online platform, your own website, social media, or TV screens in your branches. You heard correctly! Staffino even empowers you to recognise employees on a daily basis and boost their morale.

Customer closed loop feedback management

Adjust Feedback Visibility for a Daily Dose of Good Vibes

All feedback collected can be kept private and only visible to your managers. If desired, you can also choose to share positive feedback with your employees through various channels such as the Staffino online platform, your own website, social media, or TV screens in your branches. You heard correctly! Staffino even empowers you to recognise employees on a daily basis and boost their morale.

Employee Engagement
Get started

Ready to take control of your customer feedback and drive unshakeable brand loyatly? Start your journey today!

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