How to Improve Customer Satisfaction by up to 10% Through Employee Gamification

MALL.CZ Experiences Uplift in Employee Engagement and Customer Satisfaction Through Staffino's Gamification Programme




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Mall case study


Established in 2000, MALL.CZ is the biggest Czech online marketplace selling a wide selection of items, including home appliances, electronics, sports equipment, toys, computers, and cell phones. It also operates brick-and-mortar stores in the Czech Republic.

Since 2021, we have been working with MALL.CZ to enhance their customer and employee experiences. This includes gathering customer feedback, conducting regular business reviews, and carrying out employee engagement activities. As the topic of this case study indicates, we helped MALL.CZ develop an employee gamification programme that is tailored to their business goals and provides them with advanced reporting tools to monitor team and individual performance.


The goal was to use Staffino's employee gamification programme to motivate and engage front-line employees at MALL.CZ's contact centre and thereby improve the quality of their service to customers.

Gamification module in the workplace


In January of 2022, MALL.CZ began using Staffino's gamification on two levels. For the first level, customer feedback was used to award call centre agents with virtual badges from Staffino's library that featured personalised descriptions by MALL.CZ.

gamification badges

On the second level, employees were challenged to perform better in a performance race based on NPS and CSAT scores. Instead of traditional 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, MALL.CZ opted for a "top three" system.

Managers then evaluated employee performance results on a monthly basis, giving incentives to the best performers. The amount of feedback received was also considered in an effort to ensure fairness.

Top Solutions Used

gamification badge
Staffino Employee Gamification
Staffino Standard Feedback
Staffino CSAT
Staffino NPS


By the end of March 2022, MALL.CZ has already seen great results. Not only has Staffino's gamification programme uplifted employee motivation and engagement, but it also helped improve customer experience with the call centre.

In just three months, we saw a 2–10% improvement in customer satisfaction in call centre teams where gamification was effectively communicated.

mall customer satisfaction

The first three who hit the benchmark – CSAT Agent FL/RET, Biggest Leap of the Month FL/RET and Team of the Month – received a bonus in their salary. In this case, they competed with each other and exchanged information every day about how they were doing. As part of regular feedback, we also discussed all other categories with the agents.

Miroslava Mathiová

Team Leader of Customer Centre, MALL.CZ
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