CX Metrics
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NPS, CSAT, CES & Other CX Metrics

Measure customer interactions with globally recognised NPS, CSAT, CES, and other metrics and manage improvement all under one roof!

Whether you're a corporate or a small business looking to measure customer experience, CX metrics can provide you with the data to understand how customers feel about your products, services, contact centre, brand as such, and much more. NPS, CSAT and other CX metrics can help you identify the areas where you can improve customer experience and satisfaction. With our comprehensive package of CX measuring tools, you are able to quickly gain valuable insights into your customer's experience throughout their entire customer journey.

CX Metrics

What Customer Experience Metrics Should You Measure?

When you start measuring customer experience, the first step is to figure out what you’re trying to accomplish through the data gathered. The picture shows what metrics are best for what channel, as the design of each metric has implications for its usefulness in measuring different aspects of the customer experience.

You should consider that the primary drivers of NPS are products, services, offers (pricing & packages), convergence, showroom (online or physical), branding and advertising, and an organisation’s social media reputation. They have great potential to promote positive customer experience. On the other hand, secondary drivers of NPS, including contact centres, self-service, billing, repair and support, tend to have a stronger negative impact on customer experience.

What Are Transactional & Relational Metrics?

Transactional CX metrics measure outcomes of individual customer interactions with a company, while relational CX metrics measure the overall relationship customers have with a company.

Metrics Relational Transactional
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer Effort Score (CES)
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
First Contact Resolution Rate (FCR)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Average Handle Time (AHT)
Customer Churn Rate
Customer Retention Rate

A combination of relational and transactional metrics can be used to acquire feedback from customers throughout their entire customer journey. Staffino CSAT platform can help you choose the metrics relevant to your business case and create the right survey questions to generate meaningful customer insights.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a reliable indicator of business growth due to its correlation to customer loyalty. It has been taken up by some of the most significant companies across the globe. By implementing NPS, you will be able to compare your own performance with that of your rivals by carrying out the relational NPS survey, which will be useful in convincing organisational leaders to back your plans.

It is calculated by asking customers to rate the likelihood of them recommending the company's product or service to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0 to 10. Furthermore, the NPS survey breaks down your customer base into three categories:

  • promoters (with ratings of 9 or 10)
  • passives (with ratings of 7 or 8)
  • detractors (6 or below)

    This allows you to craft campaigns and solutions to gain and retain the loyalty of each group.

    Net Promoter Score (NPS) asks one simple question:

  • On a scale from 0-10 how likely are you to recommend our company?

    NPS, CSAT & CES Metrics

    Then, you will need to calculate your NPS or let Staffino's advanced analytics take care of the calculations for you. NPS is given as a score from -100 to 100. To find your NPS, simply subtract the percentage of people who gave you a rating of 9 or 10 (promoters) from the percentage of those who rated you 6 or lower (detractors).

    There is no world benchmark for NPS measurement on a channel level. However, Staffino CX experts can help you assess this from a monthly trend perspective with a strong focus on sustained improvement.


    Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

    On a relational level, Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) can measure general satisfaction with your company. However, it is an effective way of measuring the performance of a channel on a transactional level, where the customer rates their experience following a specific contact. This enables correlation of, for instance, contact centre operations with the overall customer experience results, providing detailed and actionable data to drive improvements (on agent/shop assistant and process levels). CSAT can be used in all human, digitally assisted, and digitally unassisted channels relating to contact centres, stores, web service, IVR etc.

    The CSAT score is measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Surveys from a CSAT platform can be customised to make use of visual rating scales, such as stars or smileys, rather than the typical numeric scales. This could make the survey more engaging for participants.

    CSAT asks the question:

    How would you rate your experience with our company?

    NPS, CSAT & CES Metrics

    Your CSAT score is the percentage of people who rated their satisfaction as either 4 or 5 on the scale. An advantage is the COPC world benchmark for CSAT measurement and the opportunity to benchmark your channels against other world-class customer services (overall Customer Satisfaction ≥ 85% top two box and overall Customer Dissatisfaction ≤ 5% bottom box).

    Only customer satisfaction surveys at the transaction level will give useful information for driving satisfaction within a given channel (customer service, retail, etc.).


    Customer Effort Score (CES)

    The Customer Effort Score (CES) takes a different angle compared to the previous measurement tools. The customers are asked how much effort they had to put into a specific interaction with the company, so it is purely transactional. It is commonly employed as often as a follow-up to customer service experiences and used to enhance customer service response time and offer better quality services. CES is measured on a 5-point scale or through a simple disagreement/agreement rating question.

    The CES question made with Staffino may look something like this:

    On a scale of 1 to 5, rate how easy our employee resolved your issue.

    CES metrics

    Similar to CSAT, Your CES score is the percentage of people who rated their satisfaction as either 4 or 5 on the scale.

    Other Common CX Metrics

    These customer experience metrics may not be used as frequently as the ones mentioned above, but they can provide you with valuable, actionable insights to help you improve your daily operations.

    FCR metric stands for First Contact Resolution, and it is used to measure the effectiveness of your customer service. It is the percentage of customer contacts that are resolved on the first attempt. FCR asks the question:

    Did our [company/employee] manage to resolve your issue after the first call/contact?

    To find out the FCR rate, divide the number of cases resolved on the first try by the total amount of cases handled by agents and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

    Average handle time (AHT) is a metric used to measure the amount of time that a customer service representative spends on each call. It is an important metric for customer service operations because it helps to identify areas for improvement and can be used to set performance goals.

    AHT is calculated by dividing the total amount of time spent on customer calls by the total number of calls. This can be measured by tracking the time spent on each call, including hold time and after-call work, and dividing it by the total number of calls.

    Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a metric that measures the total value of a customer for the entire duration of their relationship with a company. It is used to help companies determine the value of a customer and to measure the effectiveness of marketing and customer retention efforts

    CLV can be measured by looking at the total value of a customer over a period of time, including their purchase amount, return rate, and customer engagement. Companies can also look at customer lifetime value in terms of customer segmentation and customer lifetime value per customer segment.

    Customer Churn Rate is the measure of the number of customers who discontinue using a company’s product or service within a certain period of time. This rate is often used to measure the success of a company’s customer retention efforts and to identify areas for improvement. It is also used to compare the performance of one company against its competitors. 

    To measure the customer churn rate, you would need to calculate the number of customers that have left your business over a given period of time divided by the total number of customers at the start of that period.

    Customer Retention Rate is a measure of how well a business retains its customers. It is calculated by dividing the number of customers at the end of a period by the number of customers at the beginning of that period and multiplying by 100. 

    A high customer retention rate indicates that customers are loyal to the business and that the business is succeeding in keeping them satisfied. This metric is critical for businesses to understand as it allows them to identify and address any customer issues quickly and strategically, which can help to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue.

    Discover the Most Powerful CX Metric for Your Business Now!

    We understand that discovering the right CX metrics for your business can be a challenge. That's why our CX consulting experts are here to help. Our team of CX experts can help you find the right customer experience metrics for your use case, create specific survey questions, and set a CX strategy to improve your overall customer experience. With our CSAT platform, you can find the most powerful CX metrics for your business and gain an edge over your competitors. Get in touch with us now and start optimising your customer experience.

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